Monday, April 25, 2011

28 weeks!

Well hello third trimester....where have YOU been!?

It's hard to believe that we are really on the downhill here. I'm going to deviate from the regular format because I felt it was getting a little boring and repetitive.

So, yes, tomorrow marks 28 weeks and the beginning of the third and final trimester. Baby K is now 2 1/4 pounds and almost 15 inches long. He has been kicking like a soccer player lately. He is extremely active these days, which is such a great and reassuring feeling. I had a doctor's appointment last week that also consisted of another ultrasound and glucose test. My doctor wanted to check the baby's growth since at the 19 week ultrasound he was measuring 1 week smaller. To make a long story short, he still is so my due date is probably off by 1 week. I am still staying with the July 19th due date because when does the baby really come on the due date anyway? I think it's more something to keep in mind if I were to go into labor early or way late. As my doc said "we'll know his due date when you go into labor". The good news is he's not measuring 2 or 3 weeks smaller! The little bugger is enjoying the jack-knife breach position. They assure me that there is time for him to move, but it makes me nervous since Sam enjoyed that position so much too and he stayed that way.

I have to admit that being pretty sure this is my last pregnancy it does make me want to enjoy it and not be in such a hurry for it to be over. When he's moving around inside me, I find myself just putting my hand there and savoring the moments. He is such a miracle and already loved so much!

His room is painted and the new accumulated clothes have been hung. I still need to go through the hand-me-downs from the big boys to see what will fit and what won't. I don't think my seasons will match up unless he turns out to be a smaller than average baby. Peanut was always about a size bigger when he was a baby and Bubba was about right on for his age/size. I would like to weed out the clothes if possible, but if I can't I suppose I'll just have a ginormous garage sale next year.

Our storage room is busting at the seams - ask Trophy Hub about it and his blood pressure goes up 20 points. He will be grateful when it's cleaned. Or even just organized.

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It seems like once I typed out all I had to do last week it gave me the motivation to get started!

Last Friday night, I started painting the boys' soon to be shared room. And Saturday afternoon I finished it! I had to travel to Minneapolis for work this week so I took the opportunity to go to IKEA and got them a dresser (Peanut has the dresser that goes with the crib and Bubba has a captain's bed with the drawers underneath). I hope all their stuff fits in this!
MALM 6-drawer chest medium brown Width: 31 1/2 " Depth: 18 7/8 " Height: 48 3/8 "  Width: 80 cm Depth: 48 cm Height: 123 cm
And since I was on a roll, tonight I ordered their bunk beds.

your zone zzz place to be bunk bed, walnut, twin
I doubt they are going to match perfectly, but I wanted dark wood because the boys are....well.....boys.

25 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks (plus 1 day)  

Size of baby: 13 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds.

What the baby is up to: His body is starting to gain some baby fat and he's growing more hair.

Maternity Clothes: Yes - these are definitely necessary. I do have some shirts that are not maternity but they are getting shorter and shorter.

Gender: It's a BOY!!!! 

Name: It's a secret! We haven't decided 100% but I think we're close!

Movement: Yes! Lots and lots and lots of movement!

Cravings: Buffalo sauce.

Anti-cravings: Nothing really...? That's good! 

Symptoms: I've been a little tired in the evening the last few weeks.

Sleep: I have been sleeping really good. I took a blanket off my side of the bed so I don't wake up hot! 

What I miss: I can't think of anything this week!

Best Moment this week: Peanut feeling the baby kick (Bubba isn't patient enough yet). 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

24 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 weeks (plus 2 days)  

Size of baby: 12 inches long and a little over 1 pound.

What the baby is up to: His brain is developing quickly and his taste buds are developing.

Maternity Clothes: Yes - these are definitely necessary.

Gender: It's a BOY!!!! 

Name: It's a secret! We haven't decided 100% but I think we're close!

Movement: Yes! Lots and lots and lots of movement!

Cravings: Buffalo sauce.

Anti-cravings: Nothing really...? That's good! 

Symptoms: I've been a little tired in the evening the last couple days.

Sleep: I have been sleeping really good. I took a blanket off my side of the bed so I don't wake up hot! 

What I miss: I can't think of anything this week!

Best Moment this week: Being told I look "cute" a million times. :-)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To Do: lots and lots

I know I have approximately 16 weeks until Baby K is born, but really that's not a lot. And I need to save the  last 4-6 weeks to scrubbing the house from top to bottom.

We have a lot to do.

Our biggest task is going to be moving the big boys in together. To do that, first I need to paint their room (yes, I did just paint that room a year or so ago but I don't like it so it must be changed), get their bunk beds ordered, get them a dresser, get rid of 50% of their accumulated toys, clean out both of their closets and combine and then do the actual deed or moving them in. I really feel that they need a few months to adjust to that before Baby K comes. Translation: I need time to train them how to go to bed without jacking around before I have a newborn to tend to also.

Once that is done, I need to paint Baby K's room. It was painted for Bubba before he was born and I'm ready for a change in there. I have already gotten new bedding so the walls need to match. Then hopefully Trophy Hub will remember how to put the crib together. It's been 5 years since he put it together and 3 since he took it apart. I have faith in him.

Maybe after all that is done, I can start going through the clothes in tubs downstairs and figure out which ones may work for summer. I am guessing not many since my previous boys were born in December and November. I hear dressing summer babies is easy - onesies!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

23 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 23 weeks (plus 2 days)  

Size of baby: 11 inches long and a little over 1 pound.

What the baby is up to: His blood vessels are forming in his lungs, preparing for him to breathe. His hearing is getting better and he will begin to recognize familiar sounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yes - these are definitely necessary.

Gender: It's a BOY!!!! 

Name: It's a secret! We may reveal one letter at a time...see if you can figure it out! 

Movement: Yes! Lots and lots and lots of movement!

Cravings: Buffalo sauce.

Anti-cravings: Nothing really...? That's good! 

Symptoms: Not having many symptoms lately. I am feeling great. 

Sleep: I have been sleeping really good. I took a blanket off my side of the bed so I don't wake up hot! 

What I miss: I can't think of anything this week!

Best Moment this week: Trophy Hub getting to feel him move. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

20 weeks - HALFWAY mark!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 20 weeks - halfway! 

Size of baby: 10 inches from head to heel and about 10 1/2 ounces.

What the baby is up to: Baby K is swallowing more these days which is good practice for the digestive system. His body is also producing meconium, the black sticky by-product of digestion. This is the special little treat that Trophy Hub will find in Baby K's first few diapers.  

Maternity Clothes: Yes - these are definitely necessary.

Gender: It's a BOY!!!! 

Movement: Yes! 

Cravings: Chips and salsa.

Anti-cravings: Still the hamburger. Ick! 

Symptoms: Not having many symptoms lately. I am feeling great. 

Sleep: I slept pretty good this week (despite potty interruptions).

What I miss: Sleeping all night...I get up at least 2 times at night to go to the bathroom.

Best Moment this week: Seeing our perfectly healthy baby boy on ultrasound! It was the first time Trophy Hub could come to an appointment with me and he beamed seeing his boy.