Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ummmm hi.

Hello!? Is anyone out there?? Where have you been? Oh...where have I been?? I'll be honest...I used to use this outlet to share stories, pictures, and one liners from my life and now I primarily use FaceBook for that. I know that not all my peeps are on FB, so I will try harder at blogging! I just feel like I'm repeating myself sometimes and repetition is sooooo annoying.

So, what have we been up to?

Wow...well....Peanut has a few more weeks of school. He just finished soccer, which isn't his greatest love, and t-ball is now starting. He was supposed to have his first practice tonight, but since we are busy building an ark, we didn't have practice. He is looking forward to summer although I don't think he realizes that he will probably get bored. Trophy Hub will be home during the day with them so I'm sure there will be lots of fishing and other boy stuff going on. He will also be doing a wildlife camp in July.

Bubba is right in the middle of the terrible 3's. He is cute as a bug and  rotten as an egg. I can't help but smooch on him every chance I get though. His vocabulary still amazes me. Hearing a 3 year old use words like "actually" and "ridiculous" and "appropriate" in the correct way cracks me up. He got back last night after spending 2 days with my parents. I think they all enjoyed it.

Trophy Hub is finishing up spring semester at the U. He is taking a 3 week course and then taking the summer off from classes. He deserves the break, although I know he's anxious to get these classes knocked out. No doubt he will be spending a lot of time fishing this summer.

And me? I am off to fold laundry. More tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You're back! Yay! I was just about to harass you about how now it's YOU who sucks at blogging :)
