Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It saved my sanity

I love things that make life more organized and easier. Since becoming an adult, I have been haunted by "tupperware". You know, plastic storage containers. Ever notice how everyone calls it "tupperware" but very few people actually have that wonderfully overpriced stuff?

Anyway, I have spent more time than I care to admit in the last 13 years searching for lids that match containers.

Combine that with the fact that we have a small country kitchen with not enough cabinet space (does anyone actually feel like they have enough cabinet space??) and you have one annoyed, busy, workin' momma.

So, I got rid of all the old stuff. It was hard because it was in ok shape and I'm not a wasteful person, but I also hate clutter. So my impatience for clutter won.

And this is what I bought...

It's Rubbermaid and the lids stick to the bottom. Not only that, but there are several different sizes that can use the same lid and stack inside each other. It's the best ever.

I highly recommend that you try this. And Rubbermaid isn't even paying me to endorse!


  1. I beat you to this!!! TARGET!! ON SALE FOR 19.99 BABY!! I used my Target gift card on this right after Christmas. AMAZING. And not to sound like an old woman, but they actually seal really well & don't leak stuff out in my purse when i take food to work!!!

  2. THat looks awesome - how much was it?
