Monday, January 25, 2010

Class clown

Tonight I got a call from Peanut's teacher.


Why is it when he gets in trouble I feel like I'm in trouble?

Apparently, he's having issues making the right choices. Her words, not mine. My words are: he's goofing around because he's either bored or he's just trying to make people laugh. Knowing Peanut...probably both.

She sends him to the bathroom and he goofs off. The kid has the bladder the size of Brazil. He pees twice a day. Sending him to the bathroom is just asking for a detour.

He can't keep quiet during rest time. The kid hasn't slept more than 4 hours in his life. He hasn't napped since he turned 3. Rest time when he's 6? That's just ridiculous.

In all totally sucks when the teacher calls. We had a chat. Tomorrow is a new day.

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