Saturday, December 26, 2009

At least it's melting!

I'm not really shy about hiding my dislike for winter. If Iowa wasn't such a great place to raise the tater tots, I would be outta here. Well, if the rest of my family would move to FL too.

My parents leave on Friday. They'll be gone 4 months. I'm really sad this year because I don't think we'll make it down for a visit. We usually do, but with Trophy Hub and Peanut in school (and both of them already missing school for Disney last month) we'd need to go over spring break. Spring break plane tickets aren't exactly cheap. Not exactly cheap x 4 + rental car = really expensive. I think the winter is going to seem really long without the break. Boo hoo. I know I get no sympathy, so moving on.

My ever so helpful MIL offered to keep the boys last night after our Christmas at her house. I was tired after the final holiday festivity so I took her up on it. Trophy Hub had to work so I had the house to myself. After we got home, I started to not feel well, which is NOT like me at all. I just don't get sick. Sick, meaning influenza or colds, I just don't get it. Now, if someone who has had the stomach flu within the last 3 months comes within 500 yards of me, I get that. But I had a fever and started getting body aches. I took some Aleve and the aches were gone, but I still had a fever.

It was about 11pm and my MIL called. I should have known it wasn't good. I could hear Bubba crying. He woke up with an earache. She ended up bringing them home. Bubba was up all night. He was a train wreck. It was like when he was an infant and had ear infections. He finally fell asleep about 6:30 this morning and slept for 3 hours until I woke him up.

Our doctor's office isn't open on Saturdays, so I took him to UI's Not-so-Quick Care. With one person in the waiting room, they told me it would be an hour to an hour and a half. Then I got to sit in the waiting room and listen to them bitch gripe about people coming in. Oh, pardon me for bothering you at your JOB.* We finally got called back and PA looked in his ear and told me it looked like his ear drum had burst. Lovely. At least that would explain why he was in so much pain. I left with a prescription for antibiotic and ear drops. And, by the way, I was really bothering the lady working at the Wal-Mart pharmacy too. Grrrr.

*Don't mess with me when I'm sleep deprived.

But...all is well now! After it burst (I'm thinking that must have happened before he fell asleep at 6:30 this morning), it must have felt better because he woke up a new child. When I put him down tonight, he felt a bit warm, but was acting just fine. He's a tough cookie.

A post-Christmas post is coming soon!


  1. COOL picture, Julie!!! Looks like you are learning to use your new camera really well!! How did you take that pic?

  2. I think I turned it to "AV" mode and messed around with the F number. That sounds really weird. I read up on some stuff on MckMama's site that helped a little. I really need to devote more time to learning though.
