Sunday, December 6, 2009

Water slide party!

It's birthday party day! We had (once again) a joint birthday party for the boys. With their birthdays only being a month apart, the last few years we have opted to have them together. This saves money and time. Two of my favorite things to save!

We rented out a pool at a local hotel that has a 100 ft water slide. It was a blast for all the kids - there were about 15 of them. It was also a blast for the adults that opted to partake - that would include me. Ahem.

Peanut is a total fish. All my pics of him today look like this:
Bubba had a ball too, but since he couldn't touch in the pool he relied on Trophy Hub and I to tote him around. Except in the hot tub, of course, which is his favorite place to be anyway. And yes, we do feed him.
I had planned on making 2 cakes. When my first one fell apart (literally) so did my plan. We ended up with just one, which was fine since I had made Bubba's last month anyway, remember? Just like that one, please don't look too close - I'm an amateur! The picture I had to use to make this one was bad and unlike everyone else in my household, I don't know Darth Vader's facial features like the back of my hand. So I just had to wing it. Peanut was happy with it and it tasted pretty darn good, so I'm calling it a success.
If my kids make me tired, other people's kids exhaust me.

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