Tuesday, April 13, 2010

World Cup

Tonight, Peanut had his first World Cup rec soccer game. They have only had 2 practices, so most of them were still pretty clueless. There are a few kids that you can tell have played for a few years and practice more than the scheduled times.

Peanut is not one of those kids.

I actually asked him after practice on Sunday if he was afraid of the soccer ball. He assured me that he was not, but he was afraid that he was going to knock someone down. Now, that I buy. He is always worried about others. So, I did the thing any parent would do...told him not to worry about the other kids and just to go after the ball.

The thing with Peanut...I see potential in him (with a lot of things...not just soccer!) but he just doesn't try very hard. I know, I know, he's 6. And I went through this last summer with t-ball. I need to chill.

I told him tonight that he just needed to TRY and that I would be proud of him. Well...I'm happy to announce that he got the first kick in (and a GOOD ONE) of the game and it appears that's all he needed. He got a taste of how it felt to actually play the game and he was totally into it.

For that quarter anyway.

They have enough kids that they play 10 minutes or so and then sit out while the rest of the team plays. The second time he went in there was a little more monkeying around because his best buddy was on the opposing team. At one point, his friend was smacking him on the butt.


I did yell out at him to knock it off.

But that was no comparison to the psycho dad next to me...yelling at his kid like this was the World Cup. Come on. These kids are 5 and 6 years old. Give it a rest! I need to remember to distance myself from him because this is only the 2nd time I've been in his presence and it's getting hard to hold my tongue. I'm sure he's a nice person, just a little intense for rec league soccer.

Just chill.

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