Friday, October 16, 2009

Five Question Friday

It's Five Question Friday! Head on over to My Little Life to play along!

1. What phrase, or phrases, do you say a lot (holy cow, geez, seriously?)

I say "That's ridiculous" all day, every day.

2. Swimming: Are you a kamikaze off the boat, take the plunge from the deep end, or a gradual, slow submersion from the shore or shallow end kind of person?

I'm a plunger. Uhhhh that came out wrong.

3. Have any tattoos? If not, what would you get?

No tattoos. I'm not permanent in my decorating - that includes body art.

4. What is your favorite tree?

Favorite tree? I have to be honest and admit that I can't look at trees and tell you what kind they are. I like trees that are pretty colors in the fall. (Wow, that sounded really ditsy.) And I like world peace...and everything...and such as.

5. Two pronged question: What is your favorite non-physical thing about your spouse? What is your favorite physical thing about your spouse or significant other?

Non-physical would definitely be his sense of humor. Physical would definitely be his eyes. Hello?! Have you seen my husband's eyes?