Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I am always happy to help the tater tots whenever they need something, so I did not teach Peanut how to navigate to the Wii and DVD player by himself so I wouldn't have to do it for him every time. That would be lazy. Nope, not me!

I did not clean my van out for the first time since sometime in 2008. That would be disgusting. Nope, not me!

And I did not decide to have a garage sale in a few weeks because I'm ready to let go of the boys's toys and clothes. And if I did, I would not have opened and quickly shut a tub of baby clothes with tears in my eyes because I am not ready to let go. Nope, not me!

(Note: No, I don't think Trophy Hub and I are done having kids. I have just come to realize that I don't need to keep each item ever given or bought for them. Maybe a baby next year, but not before then, so quit asking.)

Ok, where was I? Right, all the things I didn't do this week.

And since I'm a faithful Weight Watcher and never cheat, I most certainly did not have a huge plate of spaghetti tonight. Because that would be ridiculous. It wasn't even that good. Nope, not me!

Ok folks...this week's Not Me! was pretty tame. I want to make sure you'll all be my friend after these few confessions. Next week may be a little scarier.


  1. Happy NMM- first time to your blog and your description of your youngest is too cute :-)

  2. Great Not Me's! And I am NOT totally jealous that your husband cooks. You lucky dog. This is my first time to your site. Really cute! Hope you'll jump over to mine and play along with a fun follow-up to Monday. It's called Toot Your Horn Tuesday. See ya!
