Monday, June 8, 2009

Cutest darn puppy I've ever seen

Tonight's conversation with Bubba...see if you can follow the random thoughts and quick topic changes.

Me: Bubba, you need to go to sleep. (He was laying bed kicking the wall.)

Bubba: Mommy, will you lay wiss (with) me?

Me: Yes for a little bit.

Bubba: Will you lay wiss me for a long time?

Me: Just for a little bit. And you have to let me kiss you. (Lots of kisses on his cheek.)

Bubba: You can smooch me. The bird pooped on our pool.

Me: Really?

Bubba: Yeah, under the deck.

Me: Hmmm.

Bubba: We went to the airport yesterday. (He has no concept of time. Everything happened yesterday.)

Me: Yup, you came and got me, didn't you?

Bubba: Yeah, yesterday.

Me: Ok, Bubba. Goodnight. I love you.
Bubba: I love you too Mommy.

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