Monday, June 29, 2009


Tonight, Trophy Hub and Peanut are camping in the back yard. Peanut is beyond excited. He keeps following Trophy Hub around telling him he loves him and calling him his camping buddy. Although he was excited, he still wouldn't cooperate for a picture.
Did someone knock me on the head and brainwash me into thinking this could be fun? I actually told Trophy Hub that it would be fun to all go if we had a bigger tent. Huh? What? Who am I? This is what I really think about tent camping...

I am way too girly to sleep with the bugs and have to walk outside to go potty. Get me a camper with some A/C, a potty, a shower and a fridge and maybe we'll talk.

Any guesses on how long Peanut will last outside? I say he'll be in here by 2am.


  1. Nice sour look! So...did you sleep outside too??

    ~ V

  2. Hey Julie!
    It's so nice to be able to put a face with your name :) How'd the camping turn out? I feel the same way as you do about it. I like the "idea" of camping, but the actual living it out is iffy at best.

