Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I think I'm getting old and grumpy.
I will be the first to admit that I am pretty attached to my cell phone. If I'm halfway to work and realize that I left it at home, I turn around to go get it. If I can't find it right away in my purse, I start to feel a little panicky.
If I'm having lunch with a friend, driving in a car with a co-worker or in a public restroom, my phone is on vibrate - in my purse. It is insanely rude to be talking on the phone or texting while you are supposed to be with spending time with another person. Don't make the person you're with think they aren't interesting enough! I think people have completely forgotten their manners. Just because technology allows you to do this doesn't mean you should.
So, please...the next time you are at a restaurant leave your phone in your purse. If you're a man, leave it in your pocket. Or even better...leave it in the car! Enjoy the person you're with.


  1. Here, Here! I used to work with a man in upper management who would text and answer email with his Blackberry all the way through meetings and presentations! Here I (or anyine else) painstakenly took the time to put this presentation together and this JERK acted like MY time wasn't valued...GRRRRR

    ~ V

  2. I totally agree!!!! I hate that about cell phones. I also hate call waiting, but that's another story...
