Monday, June 15, 2009

Not me! Monday

Yes, folks, it's that time again. When I confess all the things I did not do this past week. Because if I did, I certainly wouldn't post them on the Internet for all to see. Head on over to MckMama's site to see what everyone else has not been doing this week.

While doing laundry, I did not take my bra off, throw it in the washer and then walk outside onto the deck in broad daylight with only a tank top on. Nope, not me!

I did not allow my children to do this to the living room:
simply because they were entertaining themselves while I was baking cookies. Nope, not me!

After Bubba started to pee in his pants before we could get to the bathroom while we were out garage sale-ing this weekend, I most certainly did not take him to just one more sale to see what they had instead of taking him straight home. Nope, not me!

I did not start brushing Bubba's teeth while he's in the bathtub at night to save time. That's ridiculous. Nope, not me!

I am not still trying to recover the basement from garage sale preparation. And I do not still have tubs of leftovers in the garage. I am not completely disorganized! Nope, not me!

Tune in again next week to hear about all the things that I haven't been doing!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great picture. I let my kids do things like that just so I can have a few minutes of peace. I even let my one year old feed herself yoghurt even though I know its going to result in a huge mess.
