Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bad day

I have a fabulous life. My husband is wonderful, my kids are great, I have a good job, a nice house...but today...I'm having a bad day. Are any of the things that made my day bad going to matter in 5 years or even 1 year or even in a week? Nope. But that didn't change my overwhelming urge to bawl like a baby over and over today.

I won't go into all the details because like I said none if it will matter next week anyway. In a nutshell - I got a flat tire, no lunch, 1 naughty kid, 1 sick kid, more laundry than I could ever keep up with, 1 naughty kid that won't go to bed, 1 disoriented coughing kid, now 2 sick kids, 1 sick kid in my bed.

Calgon take me away!

1 comment:

  1. I was having a crappy Thursday was much better tho! Hope the boys (and you) are feeling better!
