Sunday, April 19, 2009

So long nookies!

Guess who went to bed tonight without a pacifier?? I tucked him in and said "No nookie tonight, ok?" To my surprise he responded "Ok. Nookies are for babies." And off to sleep he went.

(Note: I am not a big fan of words like "nookie" and "paci". We don't baby talk around here. We call things what they are with the exception of the nookie. Peanut called it that when Bubba was a baby and it stuck.)

This is a good lesson to me that sometimes kids will do things when they're ready. This is maybe why I didn't feel a strong need to take it away from him. I knew he would eventually just get it and not want it anymore.

It's so strange that my baby is no longer in a baby bed, using a pacifier or wearing diapers. He sure wasn't a baby for long.

1 comment:

  1. Sad isn't it? They grow WAY too fast...BTW, Brittany is now engauged...sigh.

    ~ V
