Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dog tired

I'm tired. I have no idea what my problem is, but I'm just tired. I'm beginning to think that I have adrenal fatigue or my thyroid medication needs to be adjusted. It's probably the latter. Or maybe I just need more sleep. Who knows.
Peanut is having a ball in kindergarten. In typical Peanut fashion, he loves it, he loves everyone and now has 11 girlfriends. The only thing he wasn't thrilled about was the mandatory rest time. "Mrs. Meyer told me I had to take a nap." This child is not a big sleeper and hasn't taken naps since before his 3rd birthday. So to be a big boy going to kindergarten, he finds it ridiculous that he should have to take a nap. Looking at it that way, I can't say I blame him.
And Mr. Independent doesn't want us walking him into school either. "You can just drop me off, Mom. I know where my class is." Other kids are clinging to their moms, screaming and Sam wants dropped off in the parking lot. I guess it's better off this way. Bubba will be screaming and clinging, so I'll have my fun with that in a few years.
My camera died so our life in pictures is on hold for now. That is part of the reason for my lapse in posts. I usually have great pics to share. I need to bite the bullet and get a new one, but I would rather shell out $700 or so and get a really nice one than spend a couple hundred on a crappy one that I'll be unhappy with. Any suggestions on cameras? Our old one was a Canon and I really liked it for the most part. We bought it about a week before Ben was born and it's already outdated. It's only 6 megapixels and I think the ones for sale now are 10 or 12.
That's the update from Minivan Mafia Central.

1 comment:

  1. I bought Lisa the Cannon Rebel XSi for her birthday and she LOVES it! It takes awesome pics and is a true Digital SLR camera. It cost about $500, worth every penny!

    ~ V
